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Tag Archives: Development
Migration and labour mobility
The third plenary, and final session, of the CSAE Conference 2015 featured three presentations on different aspects of migration, and its relationship with the broader theme of economic development. Michael Clemens (CGD): Skilled migration and development Michael Clemens of the … Continue reading
The height production function from birth to maturity
Starting in the 1970s, anthropometric measures have increasingly been used in the social sciences as indicators of social well-being. Since then, adult height has been considered an indicator of the general health status in life, of the relative risk of … Continue reading
Community-Based Development initiatives: Who in the village hears about them and who doesn’t? And how?
Community-based development programmes, known for placing greater control of resources and decision-making in local hands, have long been an important part of development policy. But these programmes are also behest with their own challenges and limitations. One of these is … Continue reading
Posted in Policies to Protect the Poor
Tagged Aid, Community-Based Development, Development, Poverty, Social Networks
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Gender equity in schools in Muslim countries: it can be done
Muslim countries worldwide have problems with gender equality. They dominate the bottom ten countries in the Global Gender Gap Report and none of the ten most successful countries offering equal opportunities for men and women is Muslim. Girls lag behind … Continue reading
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Tagged Development, Education, Equity, Gender, Inequality, MDGs, Muslim countries
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The Future in Mind: Aspirations and Forward-Looking Behaviour in Rural Ethiopia
A person’s aspirations, or goals and targets for their future, can be a driving force in their life, providing motivation and guiding their choices. In forming aspirations, all people dismiss some options for their future lives, and fail to even … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Aid, Aspirations, beliefs, Development, Education, Ethiopia, Social Networks
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Subjective Well-being and Social Evaluation in a Poor Country
China’s remarkable rate of economic growth since the start of economic reform is generally assumed to have raised the economic welfare of the Chinese people dramatically. This is regarded as self-evident from the facts that, in less than three decades, … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Development, happiness, Household decision-making, Inequality, Poverty, subjective well-being
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The Global Cost of Violence
CNN interviewed Anke Hoeffler on the global cost of violence. The news feature was based on a new report by James Fearon and Anke Hoeffler that estimates the annual costs of violence at around $9.5 trillion, which is about 11 … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged civil war, Conflict, Development, Electoral violence, Political Economy, Violence, War
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From rebellion to electoral violence
Promoting democratisation and elections has been at the core of peace-building missions in post-conflict societies since the end of the Cold War. Recent examples are Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq and Libya, just to name a few. Democratisation … Continue reading
Posted in Institutions and Growth
Tagged Burundi, civil war, Conflict, Development, Electoral violence, Institutions, rebellion
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How useful is education in Africa?
Travelling around any poor country in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) the visitor is struck by how far schools outnumber factories. The large number of schools is due partly to the success of one of the MDGs which is that primary education … Continue reading
Posted in Jobs, Finance and Skills
Tagged Development, Education, Employment, Firms, Jobs, Labour
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Agricultural Technology and Structural Change
Developing countries employ a relatively large share of their workers in agriculture, and the labor productivity of those agricultural workers is only a fraction of that found in the developed world. Together, these two facts account for a significant portion … Continue reading
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Tagged Agriculture, Aid, Development, Growth, Labour, productivity, technology
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